Winning over Gen Z | Dreamscape Solutions

Winning over Gen Z

What steps are you taking to attract Gen Z as supporters?

Generation Z stands out as the future of giving with the potential to change how charities think about fundraising and their supporters. Born into a digital age marked by unique values and behaviours, such as a strong desire for social impact and a preference for authentic and transparent communication, Gen Z is redefining how and why people donate to causes. As fundraisers, it's imperative to understand and leverage these unique preferences of this emerging donor demographic to ensure your charity's future sustainability and growth.

Understanding Gen Z's Charitable Inclinations

Recent insights from a survey conducted by Deliveroo following the implementation of a round-up donation feature reveal compelling statistics about Gen Z's donor behaviours:

Increased Giving: One in three (30%) Gen Z respondents reported increasing their charitable contributions over the past two years. This is double the general population's rate, where only 15% reported the same.

Preference for Digital Platforms: 66% of individuals under 25 stated they would be more inclined to donate if they could do so through an app they already use.

Social Media Influence: Nearly a quarter (24%) of Gen Z typically pledges via links on social media, compared to fewer than 10% of British adults.

Speed and Convenience: About 30% of Gen Z ranked speed and convenience as the most critical factors in their decision to donate, a preference that diminishes with older generations.

Strategies to Engage Gen Z Donors

Given these insights, here are key strategies to attract and retain Gen Z supporters:

  1. Integrate Donation Options in Popular Apps

Gen Z is highly engaged with digital technology, and their comfort with mobile apps is unparalleled. By integrating donation options within popular apps like food delivery services, social media platforms, and digital wallets, charities can meet Gen Z where they are most active. This approach makes donating easier and aligns with their preference for seamless, in-app experiences.

  1. Leverage Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for engaging Gen Z. They are more likely to encounter and respond to fundraising campaigns on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. Ensure your charity has a solid social media presence, creating shareable content that highlights your mission, showcases impact, and includes direct links for easy donations.

  1. Emphasise Speed and Convenience

For Gen Z, the donation process needs to be quick and hassle-free. Streamline your online donation forms, offer multiple giving options, and ensure your website and donation platforms are mobile-friendly. Implementing technologies like Apple Pay or Google Wallet can further reduce friction in the donation process. 

  1. Showcase Transparency and Impact

Gen Z donors desire to see the real-world impact of their contributions. They value transparency in how their donations are used and want to see tangible outcomes. Provide clear, transparent information about how donations are used and the tangible outcomes they achieve. Use storytelling techniques, such as visuals and testimonials, to make the impact of their support vivid and compelling.

  1. Create Engaging and Interactive Campaigns

Interactive campaigns that involve Gen Z in the process can boost engagement. Consider gamified fundraising challenges, virtual events, or influencer partnerships that can tap into their networks. Engaging content that feels participatory and fun can drive donations and long-term support.

Gen Z, a dynamic and influential cohort, presents a significant opportunity for your charity. By understanding their preferences and adapting your fundraising strategies, you can build strong, enduring relationships with these young donors. Your role as a fundraiser is pivotal in this process. Your ability to innovate and evolve your methods to resonate with future generations' changing values and behaviours is what will bridge this digital-giving gap. Are you doing everything you can to seize this opportunity?

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