Cookie Policy | Dreamscape Solutions


In compliance with the UK e-Privacy Directive

This website currently uses a cookie to gather information about your experience whilst here.

This website currently uses cookies to gather information about your experience while here, assist in the technology used to enable your account on the website, and enable the e-commerce features on this website.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics (a web analytics service), which sets a cookie on your web browser in order to evaluate your experience of our website. The cookie is used to store information, such as what time you visited our website, whether you have visited the site before, what site referred you or what you searched for to find us.

Google Analytics Cookie Names

  • _utma
  • _utmb
  • _utmc
  • _utmz


Cookies are also used to store your current order progress during an e-commerce transaction. This enables the website to remember what products you are ordering and where your order progress is up to. It would not be possible to buy products or services from this website without the use of these cookies.

E-Commerce Cookie Names (generally)

  • ASP.Net_SessionId
  • WebsiteNameBasket

Informed Consent

If you continue to browse our website without changing your cookie settings, we will presume that you are happy to receive this cookie from our website. If, however, you are not happy to receive cookies from our website, you can change your browser cookie settings at any time.

How can I manage website cookies?

Web browser cookies:

If you wish not to receive cookies from this website, you can change your web browser settings so that you will be notified when any website tries to send you a cookie. At this point, you can choose to accept or refuse the cookie. In addition, you can delete historical cookies from your browser at any time.

To manage cookies, please refer to your web browser's help function, which will guide you through the process of managing your browser's privacy settings. Alternatively, you may want to visit, an independent website that contains comprehensive information on how to do this on a wide variety of desktop browsers.

What is a cookie and why do I need to know?

A cookie is a simple text file that is stored on a website visitor's computer when they land on a website. Cookies allow a website to record things such as what search terms they entered into a search engine to find your website or how many people came to your website on a specific day. In other instances, cookies are used to provide core functionality, such as keeping members logged in to a website or enabling customers to buy products or services via a website.