Celebrating one year of hapi success | Prince and Princess of Wales | Dreamscape Solutions

Celebrating one year of hapi success

The Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice!

Today marks a significant milestone—the first anniversary since The Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice went live with their hapi site.

In just a year, we've witnessed remarkable achievements and transformative changes in how our client engages with their supporters and manage their fundraising efforts.

By leveraging the streamlined donation, event, and dedication modules of hapi, our Integrations Manager has been able to effortlessly and securely post nearly 2000 orders to their Raisers Edge CRM. This automation has not only saved valuable time but also boosted operational efficiency, freeing up an average of one full working day every month that was previously spent on manual processing.*

But that's not all! The hapi events functionality has allowed The Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice to offer group and multi-ticket sign-up options. This functionality simplifies the booking process for supporters and significantly improves their overall experience. To date, over 2000 tickets have been purchased for hospice, campaign, and fundraising events across 800 bookings, showcasing the immense impact of this feature.

Thanks to hapi dedications, the hospice has successfully executed campaigns like Light Up a Life, providing supporters with a meaningful way to remember their loved ones during the Christmas period. This campaign alone contributes to over 12% of their total annual orders, underscoring the power of personalisation and connection.

Furthermore, hapi has enabled The Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice to optimise its donation process by incorporating clear calls-to-action for contributions to processing fees, Gift Aid, and regular giving. The results are impressive; 14% of donors are signed up for regular giving, while a remarkable 67% have chosen to contribute to processing fees, ensuring that the full gift amount reaches the hospice.

An impressive 72% of donations now include Gift Aid declarations, enabling the hospice to claim Gift Aid on nearly three-quarters of their total gifts. This additional income will be instrumental in supporting their mission and expanding their impact in the community.

In summary, hapi's fundraising tools have streamlined workflows and processes at The Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice, providing an efficient and effective experience for their website supporters. Reflecting on the past year's achievements, we look forward to continued growth and success in our partnership with them.

Here's to many more years of making a difference together!

*Calculations based on assuming an average of 3 minutes per record for manual entry.  

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