Analysis of Light Up a Life 2023 Campaigns | Dreamscape Solutions

Analysis of Light Up a Life 2023 Campaigns

key findings and analysis

We have conducted research to reflect on the success of the 2023 Light Up a Life campaigns ran by our hapi customers. The data reveals valuable insights nonprofits can leverage to improve performance in future festive campaign efforts.

This analysis presents clear opportunities for refining fundraising strategies in the months leading up to December.

Key findings:

  • Average gift value: £24
  • Average number of donors: 312
  • % of donors contributing processing fees: 62%
  • Best-performing month: November

Increasing Recommended Gift Values

Across our hapi customers, the Light up a Life campaigns saw an average gift value of £24. One immediate opportunity is strategically increasing recommended gift amounts to increase this average. By setting suggested gift amounts at slightly higher levels, such as £30 or £35, charities can build on last year's success and encourage donors to give just a little more in 2024. This incremental adjustment, combined with effective storytelling, could significantly boost overall donation totals.

Additionally, offering donors a clear understanding of what different gift levels can achieve often results in more impactful giving. For example, illustrating the tangible impact of a £30 donation versus a £24 one can motivate donors to increase their contributions.

Tailoring Campaigns by Month: The Power of November

Interestingly, the data shows November as the best-performing month for Light Up a Life campaigns. This is a critical insight. As December is traditionally seen as the primary month for fundraising, it is clear that starting campaigns earlier can capture donor attention and maximise donations before the busy end-of-year rush.

Here's how you can tailor your strategy across key months:

  • September/October: Focus on early awareness and pre-launch engagement. Build excitement through storytelling and share how donations will make a difference.
  • November: Leverage this peak period by launching your core campaign. Align with giving moments like #GivingTuesday to encourage donor participation and maximise reach.
  • December: Since November tends to outperform December, consider positioning December as a targeted "last-chance-to-give" campaign to create urgency among those who may have missed earlier opportunities.

Increasing Donor Numbers: A Small Shift, Big Impact

While the current average number of donors is 312 per campaign, strategies to increase this value by 7% could significantly boost total income. Assuming the average gift value remains the same, an additional 22 donors could equate to an increase of £1,000 per campaign. Focusing on donor acquisition strategies, such as targeted outreach, personalised communication, and social media engagement, could quickly drive these gains—demonstrating how even slight improvements in donor numbers can translate into meaningful increases in revenue.

Donors Supporting Processing Fees: A Hidden Opportunity

With 62% of donors contributing processing fees, this area is worth exploring further. Highlighting the option to cover fees more prominently during the donation process or explaining how these contributions directly support the charity's operational needs could increase this percentage even more. An additional 10-15% of donors covering processing fees would translate into huge savings over the course of a campaign.

The Power of Storytelling and Engagement

Regardless of the month or strategy, one thing is clear: storytelling is at the heart of successful fundraising. By sharing personal stories of those impacted by donations, creating emotional connections that honour lost loved ones, and maintaining consistent donor engagement throughout the season, nonprofits can inspire even greater generosity.

The 2023 Light Up a Life campaigns offer valuable lessons to help nonprofits optimise their future efforts. By strategically adjusting gift recommendations, tailoring campaigns to peak and off-peak months, and focusing on increasing donor contributions to processing fees, charities can drive more impactful and successful year-end giving.

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