Fundraising Fitness Report | Dreamscape Solutions

Download the 2024 FFT Annual Report.

2024 FFT Report

We analysed more than 21 million donations totalling £1.6 billion to produce this report.

Based on transactional data, this is the most comprehensive analysis of fundraising KPIs and giving trends available to NFP professionals.
Features from this years report!
  • 89% of gifts were less than £100
  • 1% of gifts were between £1k and £5k
  • 44% of income was from new donors
  • 35% of income was from regular donors

Proudly supported by:

Hospice UK

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Special thanks to the charities that have taken part in the Fundraising Fitness Test since 2017. Without their support this report would not be possible.

Accord Hospice, Ardgowan Hospice, Ayrshire Hospice, Blythe House, Cancer Fund For Children, Claire House Children’s Hospice, Compton Care, Dorothy House, Farleigh Hospice, Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice, Haven Refuge, Heart of Kent Hospice, Highland Hospice, Hospice in the Weald, Hospice Isle of Man, HospiceCare North Northumberland, Jessie May Children’s Hospice at Home, Katherine House, Keech Hospice, Kemp Hospice, Kirkwood Hospice, LOROS Hospice, Myeloma UK, Norfolk Hospice, North West Air Ambulance, Oakhaven Hospice, The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice, Pendleside Hospice, Primrose Hospice, Prince of Wales Hospice, Prospect Hospice, Rossendale Hospice, Rowcroft Hospice, Sobell House, St Clare House, St Cuthberts, St Elizabeth Hospice, Hospice of St Francis, St Gemma’s Hospice, St Helena, St Joseph’s, St Leonards, St Luke’s (Sheffield), St Mary’s Hospice, St Nicholas Hospice, St Peter’s Hospice, St Rocco’s, St Teresa, St Wilfred’s (Eastbourne), St Wilfrids (Chichester), Teeside Hospice, Thames Hospice, Tynedale Hospice, Wakefield Hospice, Naomi House & Jack’s Place, Willow Wood Hospice.

Invaluable analysis that has helped us to focus on areas where our efforts can have the biggest impact on revenue.

Louise Wardle.

Head of Fundraising, at St Peter & St James Charitable Trust.


The Fundraising Fitness Test heavily influences our strategic plans and plays a crucial role in improving our income generation.

Janet Abraham.

Head of Fundraising, at Claire House Children's Hospice.


The clear, succinct results are concise and easy to understand. We use these to influence our day-to-day decision-making.

Paul Morgan.

Director of Fundraising and Communication, at Naomi House & Jacksplace


The FFT has helped clarify what needs to be achieved and the financial gains that can be realised. Highly recommended.

Amy Chambers.

Director of Fundraising & Marketing, at Rays of Sunshine.


FFT reports highlighted the additional income we could gain through improved stewardship and increased retention rates.

Kay Carrick.

Development Manager, at St Cuthbert's Hospice.


After conducting an FFT analysis, we have discovered promising opportunities for income growth within our existing database.

Mark Flannery.

Chief Executive, at Look Good Feel Better UK.


At last, evidence-based reporting! It’s taken our fundraising to the next level, with more confidence in our strategy.

Marissa Stephenson-Stewart.

Head of Income Generation, at Solace Women's Aid.

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Fundraising Fitnes Test

Fundraising Fitnes Test

Analyse fundraising KPIs, identify growth and forecast income gains.

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